Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This is a wonderful article by Mike and it shows what I mean by my previous blog. Either we are on fire for God and truth or we are not.......

“Remember this and stand firm, recall it to mind, you transgressors, remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose,’ calling a bird of prey from the east, the man of my counsel from a far country. I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass; I have purposed, and I will do it. (Isaiah 46:8-11 ESV)

There is a dread disease present in the visible Church in our day. The disease is the result of conformity to the current culture in which it is a crime to tell the truth to those who may resent it. It is a crime because a minority has determined that the worst thing that can happen to a person in our day is that they be offended by standards or truths that those conveying them portend, directly or indirectly, they are absolute. While temporal society can hold all sorts of beliefs and standards contrary those found in the Word of God, the tragedy is when the Church itself conforms to them. This causes it to become weak, ineffectual, confused, and spiritually dead. This causes those professing Christians to water down their doctrines, misinterpret scripture according to the world’s values, and reject the message from God while persecuting His messengers. This is exactly why the Jews all through Biblical History killed God’s Prophets. His message was always contrary to the closely held beliefs of the people that came from them being conformed to the ways of the world just as has the majority of the visible Church in our time.

Much of the part of the visible Church in our day that claims it is “Evangelical” has become conformed to this disease over the last 250 years. Its theology has deteriorated to the point that it is no longer the world changing powerful message whose followers were separate from the world and its ways as light is from darkness. However, now it is the theology of “evanjellyfish.” The following is taken from the introduction to a book by C. Matthew McMahon titled How Faith Works - Rescuing the Gospel from Contemporary Evangelicalism.

I am sure that those who really do hold to the true biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ and identify themselves as Evangelicals are also going to be a bit mad because I am going to bash “evangelicalism” today as the theology of “evanjellyfish.” It is spineless. In my satire on Evangelicalism at A Puritan’s Mind, I wrote, “The oceanic bodies that cover the earth are home to the unique and prosperous Liberalius Ignoramious Christianius, or better known as the Evanjellyfish. As a result of their morphed evolution over the past 250 years, these once fierce predators have lost their thick skin, large brains, razor sharp teeth, as well as their ability to see clearly in the loss of their eyesight, and their eyes altogether. Instead, these spineless invertebrates swim carelessly and carefree around the seaweed reefs which tickle their transparent membranes as the cool currents shift by them and propel them toward sunny waters throughout each day. They mainly swim around minerally deficient waters, and like to congregate in large numbers - it seems they feel safe that way. They filter microscopic units of plankton found throughout the seawater for food. They are unable to eat the meat they once hunted since their loss of ability to spot food from miles away. Now they float helplessly around reefs that contain little if anything to eat that is of substance. Strangely, they have multiplied, and continue to multiply into millions in any one locale, but they often remain small and of no consequence individually to the great barrier reefs from which they emerged. Even in great numbers, they no longer make a ripple in the currents they once occupied. Instead, when a predator such as a humpback whale swims by, they are gobbled up for food without any form of retaliation. Hopefully, theological evolution will deal them a better hand in the future. It has been reported of late that some of the large scale theoligica bookis wormis or Giant Theological Sea Worms have been seen floating around masses of Evanjellyfish. However, it seems the Evanjellyfish have been rejecting their interaction out rightly. More to come later…

This is satire my brethren, but is does strike a chord with us doesn’t it? The dumbed down version of the Church we have all around us got that way because its leaders have deliberately not fed their people solid meat to eat. They present a gospel that has been neutered. It has all those essential parts that could potentially offend removed. What is left is a non-gospel that makes their part of the visible Church a mirror of the world. The world and its ways have been brought into the church and it has become compromised. Seeker-sensitivity is the rule of the day. It is a fallacy. The only ones truly seeking the righteousness of God are those drawn to the Son by the Father as they have heard the real Gospel, which is very offensive to the spiritual palate of those who are compromised by the world and its ways. Below is an excerpt from a news story from Milwaukee, Wisconsin about a school being sued by a group that is attempting to stop it from holding any graduation ceremonies at the local church. Carefully read their reasoning for the lawsuit.

“These students and family members are being forced to graduate in the sanctuary of a church underneath a huge cross that dominates the sanctuary. They’re sitting in pews with bibles and hymnal books right in front of them.”

“They are being forced to graduate in a religious environment, and that is an egregious Constitutional violation.”

Even if the school district doesn’t have religion as its reasoning for choosing the location, Luchenitser contends the mere presence of a graduation there forces an endorsement of what Elmbrook Church believes.

“There’s a symbolic message of endorsement sent,” said Luchenitser.

“Right next to this huge cross in this auditorium, you have huge jumbotrons that show the speakers, the school district officials when they speak on the podium, all their speakers.

“You have a public, official school district ceremony taking place in a religious environment. That sends a clear message of endorsement of religion and favoritism of the Christian religion to the children and the family members.”

Luchenitser explained that its not just the physical environment there, but what he claims the teachings presented there force upon those who will walk in for the graduation ceremony.

“We brought the lawsuit on behalf of nine parents and students in the school district who do not subscribe to the religion of Elmbrook Church, who are extremely uncomfortable attending a graduation in this facility,” said Luchenitser, whose group’s lawsuit says that many top officials in this district are members of Elmbrook Church.

“This is a church that teaches that people who do not subscribe to the belief of this church are going to suffer torment in hell for all eternity. This church teaches that women should be subservient to men. It teaches that people who engage in sexual conduct that is not approved by the church will also suffer in hell.

“A very large proportion of the students and family members who would be attending this graduation, in the views of this church, are second-class people, second-class citizens.”

The evanjellyfish Christians in this church may indeed teach these truths about hell and morality, but they are considering veiling their cross and removing their Bibles and Hymnals from the pews so they can continue to receive the rent from the school for these sorts of things. This is compromise. Are they going to stand firm and grow spiritually through it or are they going to be spineless and give in to those who prove that the world is not interested in what we have come to know as Evangelical Christianity? Think of the response to these people that someone like A.W. Tozer, A.W. Pink, John Gresham Machen, C.H. Spurgeon, John Owen, Martin Luther, or Jonathan Edwards would have in the face of this. There would be no compromise. Oh, their evanjellyfish “Christians” in the pews may fire or do away with them for standing firm, but these men would not budge. They may lose their positions or be denigrated by others in unbearable ways at levels no one can easily take, but they would not compromise.

The mission of this ministry has always been to encourage Christians to move away from me-ism Christianity into the spirit-filled, abiding in Christ, living sacrifice, humble, poor-in-spirit, meek walk that brings God glory and matures the believer. It is only as we walk this way that we are given His joy and then we can do good in His eyes because we are doing God’s will by His grace. This walk is not about building big churches or becoming a celebrity or anything other than a humble slave of our Lord Jesus all for the glory of God. Those who walk this way are not evanjellyfish. No, these believers are mighty warriors for the truth who stand firm defending it, but at the same time, they, like their example Christ, do not defend self. They may take the abuse of those who hate the truth, but, being meek, they will hack to pieces the enemies of God, but will not raise their sword to defend self. God may have them take severe abuse that they may be found worthy to suffer shame for the name, but they will never compromise.

Which are you?

Soli Deo Gloria!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

RICK WARREN the Compromiser

One falls to the ground in trying to sit on two stools.-- Francois Rabelais

I amazed at how so many professing Christians follow a man like Rick Warren. Mr. Warren took the word "Purpose" and has made a dynasty out of it. As Christians we know that God has a purpose for ever thing that happens in this world and that is to bring Glory to Him in the end. So of course when Rick Warren brought out his book "The Purpose Driven Life" many churches got on his band wagon and used this book as a study guide and that is how Warren became popular.
He has fooled many in his church and outside of his church! He is a compromiser,he is a world pleaser...the world loves him, should be a flashing light to believers. Why do so many Christians defend this man? I'll tell you why it is because they do not study the word of God enough, they are weak and being weak, can then lead to believing anything or anyone. Rick Warren is not the only one there are many, many false prophet out there. Satan loves men like Rick Warren, because he just sits back and watches them do his work for Him.

"To seek unity with false prophets without challenging their errors leaves one's own beliefs open to questions. Those who defend heretics, even if they do not believe in their teachings, are guilty of lending credibility to their heresies, and will be held accountable to God for the souls that are destroyed as a result. It's up to those that know the truth to defend the Church against false teachers whatever the cost to unity or to personal benefit.

"When the Scriptures tell us to judge the prophets by their fruit, it means their holy living and conformity to God's Word for themselves and those they teach. It does not mean the number of spectacular events that transpire in their lives. Nor does it rest on how many people are blessed by them; many are blessed by New Age practitioners. [Nor does it rest on the number of moral causes they are involved in.] ... Yet today's prophets tell us not to judge the ungodly lives [nor the bad doctrine] of the prophets, but to believe them because of the 'fruit' of their ministries." "It is not to signs and wonders that we should look [nor to the number or nature of the moral causes they are involved in], but to the overall integrity of the man who performs them. Integrity not only includes freedom from greed, lust, and avarice, but adherence to sound doctrine"
Everything we do is visible to God and we should always remember that, we can not hide from Him, He knows our hearts and we are naked before Him.

Hebrews 4:13, "And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do."

When we speak of unity it should be unity in truth"... unity is not found in uniformity of thought, but in the fellowship of the Spirit, based on sound doctrine which, in turn, is predicated on the clear teaching of Scripture. This is why Paul exhorts us to "mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them" (Rom 16:17). The false prophets call for unity based not on Scriptural doctrine, but on their [the false prophets] claim for authority. Those who insist on fellowship based on sound doctrine are labeled legalists, while the false prophets are the ones imposing unscriptural demands upon those who follow them"
J.N. Darby
"Separation from evil is the necessary first principle of communion with Him ... Separation from evil is His principle of unity"

John Whitcomb Jr.

"Diversity and division is infinitely more precious than a satanic unity. The problem God's people are facing today: Satan wants unity in what? -- in error. God would infinitely prefer division because of truth. Do you know what Jesus said in Matthew 10? He said, 'I have come not to bring peace, not to bring unity, but to bring division, to set a son against his father, a daughter against her mother, so that people within their own households will be enemies of each other.' That is what Jesus said he came to do ... God's smashing of satanic ecumenical unity was an incredible blessing [Genesis 11: the Tower of Babel] ... The potential for satanic depravity is infinite, as long as what continues? -- a unity in error -- organized blasphemy. Measure this friends. Grasp it. Satan will, in his brief hour, at the end of this world, be given his opportunity to demonstrate what total unity is like in the human race, when every person will have a mark on the forehead or right hand, and will walk lockstep under incredible blasphemy ... "You say, 'We want unity.' Oh, really? What kind of unity? 'We want all the churches to get together.' Oh, really? You mean in error, in confusion, in heresy? That is, dear friends, the ecumenical movement of our hour, in which all the great denominations and all the great church leaders are becoming more and more unified. In what? -- in compromise and theological error; and this is the ultimate horror"

So be weary who you follow, it is Christ whom we should be following not man because man will ALWAYS fail you ALWAYS!

Quotes from Biblical Discernment Ministries

Monday, April 20, 2009


There is a lady named Susan Doyle that performed for the first time on a TV program called "Britian has Talent". I listened to her once and then again and again and each time I listened the more joy I felt for her. When she was first introduced the auidance snicker, rolled their eyes, even the judges looked embaresss for her....and then she opened her mouth to sing and everyone was astounded by what came out. They stood up and cheered, the judges were flabergasted, the world was too. It' is sad that we look at a person and don't think much of them until we really see what they are all about or what kind of talent lives within them.

Do you ever really get to know someone, or do you just make up you mind about that person and live with it. Maybe you would be shocked if you just took the time to get to know them. maybe they feel how you feel about them and they put walls up to protect themselves from hurt....maybe it is time to break the walls down, and really get to know the real person, maybe they are crying out...

John 13:34-35 (NCV) I give you a new command: Love each other. You must love each other as I have loved you. All people will know that you are my followers if you love each other.

Col 3:12 (NRSV) As God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.
if you would like to listen to Susan Boyle sing, here is the address to go to

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Everything in a Christian's life is planned out by God. Our salvation is of the Lord!Everything we do is orchestrated by God for His purpose. The Cross was orchestrated by God, the suffering Jesus suffered was because God planned it that way. Trials WE go through are orchestrated by God. When you look at what Job went through, the suffering he endured was from God, everything Jonah went through was from God, John the Baptist's head was cut off..was from God. All that the Saints suffer all the Joy the Saints have, is orchestrated by God and we should be thankful for it all because in the end we will be in glory, rejoicing with Him singing GLORY GLORY GLORY IS OUR GOD ALMIGHTY.

R.K. McGregor Wright quoted.....
God saves. God does not merely do enough to make salvation possible, leaving it to us to work our way up, to 'merit the merits of Christ,' to do our part to make the merely possible become the actual. Every link in the chain of redemption is forged on God's anvil from start to finish. Even God cannot achieve an end without a means. In order to secure the predestined end, he foreordains each step and casual link, sovereignly acting to see that each cause and effect occurs

I have already shown that he had to move the entire Roman military bureaucracy several years earlier to make certain that at the end of the empire wide census, one particular pregnant girl was in the right town at the right moment just so the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem and not up north in Nazareth! The entire Roman bureaucracy was predestined to keep in step with the body chemistry of one unknown Jewish girl in the far outer reaches of the first-century Roman Empire."

Saturday, April 11, 2009


“Jesus, ’tis my aim divine,
Hence to have no will but Thine;
Let me covenant with Thee,
Thine for evermore to be:
This my prayer, and this alone,
Saviour, let Thy will be done!

“Thee to love, to live to Thee,
This my daily portion be;
Nothing to my Lord I give,
But from Him I first receive:
Lord, for me Thy blood was spilt
Lead me, guide me, as Thou wilt.

“All that is opposed to Thee,
Howsoever dear it be,
From my heart the idol tear,
Thou shalt have no rival there;
Only Thou shalt fill the throne:
Saviour, let Thy will be done.

“Wilt Thou, Lord, in me fulfil
All the pleasure of Thy will;
Thine in life, and Thine in death,
Thine in every fleeting breath,
Thou my hope and joy alone:
Saviour, let Thy will be done.”

-Octavius Winslow

Thursday, April 09, 2009


In the bitter cold of winter the trees stand bare and seem to be dead. But in the spring, they burst forth into leaf and flower, and the first fruits begin to appear. So it was with the Master's death and resurrection, and so it is with all who faithfully bear the burden of suffering and death. Though they may seem crushed and dead, they will yet bear beautiful flowers and glorious fruits of eternal life.

Saturday, April 04, 2009


The Sinner, Neither Able Nor Willing

A message from John MacArthur on man's total inability and the necessity of God-given faith.

A message that should be heard.
