Saturday, October 27, 2007


The more vile Christ made Himself for us

(Thomas Brooks, "Apples of Gold" 1660)

"Let the thoughts of a crucified Christ," says one, "be
never out of your mind, let them be food and drink
unto you, let them be your sweetness and consolation,
your honey and your desire, your reading and your

Ah! remember this:
His wounds were deep,
His burden weighty,
His cup bitter,
His suffering painful,
His agony and torment above conception, beyond expression.

That blessed head of His--was crowned with thorns.

Those eyes of His, which were purer than the sun
--were put out by the darkness of death.

Those ears of His which now hear nothing but hallelujahs
--were filled with the blasphemies of the multitude.

That blessed beautiful face of His, which was fairer than
the sons of men--was spit on by beastly filthy wretches.

That gracious mouth and tongue, which spoke as never
any man spoke--was slandered and accused of blasphemy.

Those hands of His, which healed the sick, which gave
out pardons, which swayed a scepter in heaven--were
nailed to the cross.

Those feet, which brought the glad tidings of peace and
salvation into the world--were also nailed to the cross.

All these great and sad things, did Jesus Christ suffer for
His people! Oh! The more vile Christ made Himself
for us--the more dear He ought to be unto us.

Take a pilgrimage in thought, to Gethsemane
and Calvary! Gaze upon His sufferings! He knew
all the sorrows that await Him--the shame, the
suffering, the anguish--but He takes the bitter
cup, and, with His heart set on the salvation
of His people--with His heart set on you--the
blessed Savior drains it to the very dregs!

See Him on Calvary . . .
unpitied by the crowd;
deserted by His disciples;
forsaken by His Father;
the Lamb led to the slaughter;
and all for you!


mark pierson said...

Cristina, I'd like this at BC blog, please.


Sis. Julie said...

Its beyond my thought process to comprehend God's goodness and how great He is. He is everything to me!!

The Good Reporters said...

God is good! In fact, He's Good all the time!