Friday, June 06, 2008


I often wonder why God loves me so much? I think back at my life when I was lost and remember the sin in my life. How vile I was at times, how the weakness of my flesh caused me to sin and not even look back twice. I see folks today that have such a loving and kind heart who deserve it more then I...but then I remember For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God -- not by works, so that no one can boast. (Eph. 2:8-9)
There is nothing I could have done to get saved, it was all of Him.I never went out looking for Him, He sought me first, He loved me first, He will love me for Eternity. "We love Him because He first loved us." ~1 John 4:9-10~ It just blows my mind at times that Jesus went through all He went through for this me... I have always been on His mind, He has loved me even before I knew He loved me. I sometimes sit alone and think on these things and I cry so much because I know the alternative. I know without Christ my destiny would be so bleek, my life would be so empty, Eternity would be spent separate from Him and being a christian I can understand a little bit of what hell is because I love my Lord so much that the thought of being separate from Him would be unbearable.

For those that do not know Christ as their Savior, today is the day of salvation, don't wait...until it is too late.

Take a pilgrimage in thought, to Gethsemane
and Calvary! Gaze upon His sufferings! He knew
all the sorrows that await Him--the shame, the
suffering, the anguish--but He takes the bitter
cup, and, with His heart set on the salvation
of His people--with His heart set on you--the
blessed Savior drains it to the very dregs!

See Him on Calvary . . .
unpitied by the crowd;
deserted by His disciples;
forsaken by His Father;
the Lamb led to the slaughter;
and all for you!


Even So... said...

Amen, it is indeed amazing grace...

Anonymous said...

This makes me ashamed that I cannot even bear my cross without grumbling, complaining, and always running from Him! I don't know why He picked me either! Mercy is a beautiful thing which we will learn more and more about when we are with Him. Thank you, Cristina